'Please save the date MARCH 24th for the club's annual AGM.
We will be amending our constitution and the agenda will be posted here soon..
If you think you've got a couple spare hours a fortnight, we'd love your help.
New committee members are welcome to nominate for the 18/19 season.
We'll also be honouring some long serving life members that are stepping down, as well as our normal awards presentations for the Eric Burls and Coach's Awards after a BBQ at 1.00pm. Put in for the mixed doubles comp can nominate teams so contact anyone on the committee for more information.
We will be amending our constitution and the agenda will be posted here soon..
If you think you've got a couple spare hours a fortnight, we'd love your help.
New committee members are welcome to nominate for the 18/19 season.
We'll also be honouring some long serving life members that are stepping down, as well as our normal awards presentations for the Eric Burls and Coach's Awards after a BBQ at 1.00pm. Put in for the mixed doubles comp can nominate teams so contact anyone on the committee for more information.